Getting Started
Can't find reset date on slot. Is it possible to make an application without a reset date and it works and the price is affordable.
We have made many applications without a reset date and they have worked successfully but with a shorter duration. If you need to work 12-18 hours with a r eset date, the application without reset date only works 9-12 hours. The price for such an application is $ 350 and guarantees 80-90% success over a period of 9-12 hours and has been going on for longer.
Guarda te lo posso pagare anche il doppio ma chi mi assicura che non è falso ? Se mi passi prima il programma e poi i soldi ti passo anche le % su ogni vincita. Look, I can pay you twice as much, but who assures me it's not fake? If I pass the program first and then the money, I also pass on each win .
It just doesn't work that way. Take blue pill and stay home or red pill and experience the truth. I don't know how much you can earn with one application. Maybe 10-15 or 20,000 euros and then there is no trace of you !? If you earn enough, you can buy a laptop with installed RNGENERATOR for $ 1500. You will make your own applications every day and then only heaven is your limit .. It certainly depends on your ability to resourcefulness and choose a casino with minimum protection.. because casinos in Europe have already adapted to this error slots and watch out for recording slots.
hi mate! I'm interested to buy your product. Please send me a message when you re available . Thanks!
When you are ready to pay $350 with send me a video of the slot and I will send you the Bitcoin payment address and ask a developer to prepare the RNGenerator
program to decode your video.
If the video is up to 3 minutes the application will need to be made in 24-48 hours and will work longer than 9-12 hours
(vibrate on slot ritham play ) I'll send you the application and you'll install it on your phone.
You only have to carefully monitor the vibrations of the phone and click on the slot start button. Profits will increase by 80-90%.
More questions
Cum adică aplicația funcționează doar 5 ore adică plătesc 250 de dolari pentru 5 ore Nu funcționează mai mult ? Plătesc de fiecare dată când îi dau drumul? How do you say the application only works for 5 hours ie I pay $ 350 for 5 hours Does it work anymore? Do I pay every time I release him?
It can work for more than 10 hours if your video is 3 minutes long. for video up to 30 seconds is a minimum of 9 hours work app. If you have a longer video and the application will last longer. If you do not want to pay for each application you can buy the whole RNGenerator software installed on a laptop for $ 1500.
Ingin mendapatkan aplikasi hack slot Want to get an slot hack application
You need to record the slot machine how it play in duration of 30 seconds and upload to free hosting and send link to my email to I download. I upload video to our RNGenerator program and algorithm find the winning combination and create an application that when you install it on your mobile phone. Phone wil vibration every 3-5 second and at that moment you will press the start button of the slot and occasionally you will have winning combinations. Example You NOT need to know the slot reset date. Price is $ 350 and payment is on Bitcoin.
I want win jackpot on lifes of luxury slot machine.
Jackpot is available on a slot machine when you buy our application $ 350 or laptop with RNGenerator program $ 1500.
Please send me app for distant method at a discount and then I'll get more applications ?
Price and delivery do not depend on us. We are only distributors and we do not know the real owner who generates and sends the applications. Honestly, it is important for us to get more contacts and a higher percentage of earnings.
I would like if I can get a small demo to see if it works and if you can give me an application for a day to try it to see if it works, if I can film you live and if it goes buy I will buy and I will be your man who sends you a weekly profit from 10%, 20% (as much as you want). I am an honest boy you will see (if you trust) I do not think you have anything to lose $ 350, for me an amount of money in holiday season. Thanks for your time, answer me as soon as you can because I'm not the kind of person who insist
And we a few years ago we sent a similar message to the boss of the program. He replied that it is better for us to be distributors of applications because the program can only be purchased with a laptop for $ 1500 and cannot be installed on another computer.Only the program owner can give the free application or discount on the RNGENERATOR program.
Da li to znaci da se kupovinom ne dobija program RNGenerator, vec fajl koji se moze samo jednom iskoristiti preko aplikacije telefona? Does this mean that the purchase does not get the RNGenerator program, but a file that can only be used once through the phone application?
Yes! The original original RNGENERATOR program 5 years ago sold for $ 10,000. Now with the advancement of technology the same software is decoded and reproduced on multiple computers. Our copies of the RNGENERATOR successfully decoded 95% of the video you send us. However if you buy the laptop and program for $ 1500 you won't be able to transfer it to another computer.
Okay. I have the video, how do I send it to see it?
Upload files for free on and transfer big files easily. And send me link from video to download it.
Pricing Plans
Will I need it a special phone to receive the app vibrations or simple smart phone?
Simple smart phone for android application. It is now also available for the iPhone.
Am I understand the whole process: 1. I make a video from the slot. 2. Send you a video and the time the slot was reset. 3. Wait you 24-48 hours for calculation. 4. You will tell me when is ready to go to the same slot. 5. I go to the slot and you send me a application. 6. Must hit the start button immediately after vibrate my phone. 7. The application will work 6 or more hours. - What did I forget?
-Yes , but forget one detail between 3 and 4.
-Send me $ 350 via Bitcoin.
When you install the application the period of 9-12 hours starts. Next 9-12 hours the application will vibrate on your phone at a certain interval.
When the application is created for a certain slot may be valid for 9-12 hours or several days ! We cannot know exactly because it was happening
vibrate for longer than 9 hours. We can't have any impact on the app for the next 9 hours except with advising on how to track the game and click
at the right time as the phone vibrates.
When you are ready you will tell me when to go to the slot? And will be with me for 9 hours ? How long after I send you a video and info for the slot you will be ready with calculation ?
Yes, .. 24 to 48 hours or more until the RNGenerator program finds the right combination.
Updating the App
Могу я стать вашим партнёром? Получить прогу бесплатно как партнёр ,я зарабатываю вам 60 мне 40 процентов Can I become your partner? Get the program for free as a partner, I earn you 60% for me 40 percent
I do not decide to give the application for free on trial or as a partner Only an application developer can do that but so far to no one give him free or trial or as a partner. I'm just for marketing and consultations to install the application. So the developer should run a laptop with a program for up to 48 hours to monitor and set each video sequence from the slot and to create an application that I should give it to you to install it on your phone and consult with me at work. And all this for free to decide if you will buy an application !? I hope you understand that if a developer gives a person a free trial app or as a partner. then a queue of other buyers will ask for the same. And then there will be no time to run the RN generator program to create an application. RN generator is upgraded to the latest update and now there is an opportunity to make an application from the latest slots appearing on the market.
i am looking to buy the program i have some questions: -i don't think i will be able to see reset date, is it reliable without reset date?, what is hit rate? -is there any way to find out reset date then? -is it possible that vulnerable machines can be patched or modified by the owners to no longer be bugged like this? -how much time do i have when the phone vibrates? if i push the button on the machine right when it vibrates is it ok? and most important -what is the exact list of vulnerable machine types -how to identify as a regular player these machines
A few years ago the slot reset date was important. Now casino owners are starting to change them motherboards of slots and now the reset date is not very important. That reveals the program RN generator that analyzes from your video whether the slot is suitable for making an application. So it all depends on your video and the program that makes the application. If the slot is not suitable then you will need to select another slot and upload a new video. You should be closest in a split second when the phone vibrates. This is achieved in 10-15 minutes. from the beginning of the application activation. There is no list of vulnerable machines because the bosses can change them programs on any slot. But they can not on all machines and is not profitable and so here is the RN generator program that decides whether an application can be made from a particular video and a particular slot. The information on our website нare from the slots of which is easy to create application because casino owners do not have a suitable replacement or replacement is too expensive.
I have not sent you the recording because everything is closed due to the pandemic. To be sure that it is not a fake, I suggest that you send me an assistance sample for a few hours after I send you the recording. If everything works correctly, in the next minute I will send you the 260 euros to start the business. You will have 260 euros every day until when I will earn enough to buy the computer with the complete assistance kit. I hope you have understood me well and that we will start the business soon. Thank you
I can not send you anything that was not created. The application is created based on your video and 24-48 hours from when you receive your video developer. So the developer should analyze your video and check: - whether the video is correct - whether the slot is suitable for creating an application - whether an application can be created from your video So this is a process and system of checks where the developer works for free in case your video or slot is not OK and that you need to send another video. The developer charges for his work when he creates the application and that is why you then pay the first part of the installment. When I get the link you pay the second part and you get the application. Therefore, there is no basis and what to I send you sample to make sure it works.
How do I identify machines that are hackable? Is there anything specific on the case or anything in the software (the games) that gives it away? Can owners of vulnerable slot machines manipulate them to no longer have the bug, if so, how can I tell if they patched it? Also, I won't have access to the reset date, how do you go around that? As for the vibrations in the app, are they exact 100% of the time?
Slots cannot be recognized until video has been sent and set to RN generator to check if the slot is suitable for application development. There is nothing specific that can be noticed about the software. It detects the RN generator. A complete change with a new motherboard solves the problem. But it is too expensive for the casino to change the motherboards of all the slots. A reset date was required earlier when the RN generator was not upgraded. Now it is not necessary because the program detects the combination and designs an application. The vibrations of the phone are correct but the player needs to adjust and get into rhythm to successfully capture all winning combinations. Keyboards and musicians adapt in about 10 minutes. The vibrations of the application are correct all the time but you type until you agree with your hand you will hit every third vibration and then every second which will be enough for success.
Hi, I agree to pay a bigger amount of money, but how can you make sure it's ok and that it works, the video there on YouTube is very old, convince me
Casinos need to convince people. We are hiding from the casinos and the state because in some countries it is punishable to deduct a tax that should be paid to the state in this way. We can post new videos, new web pages, paid ads on facebook or google .. but when we become too visible that will be the end for us. If you are unsure and you do not know the gambling business then you better invest in cryptocurrencies. There he explained nicely and in detail how to become a stockbroker. After six months of learning and reading about investment rules, you will know very well how to read stock market numbers ... but you will still run out of money because earnings do not depend on your "knowledge" and investment skills but by coincidence which you you do not control it. Here at least something you can control if you follow the rules well.
Ingin menang main judi slot, bantu saya untuk menang.Kirim link download aplikaai gaminator nya dong.Cara membongkar situs slot biar menang. Saya mau aplikasi agar menang banyak di judi online slot ataupun yg lain.Sofwart mesin selot pragmatic.. Want to win playing slot gambling, help me to win. Send the download link for the gaminator application, please. How to dismantle slot sites to win. I want an application to win a lot at online slot gambling or something else. Pragmatic slot machine software..
Upload the video on and send me the link. You need to record the slot machine how it plays in 30 seconds and send me a video. I will download it and send it to the developer. The application is prepared in 24-48 hours and algorithm find the winning combination in RN Generator program and create an application. You will pay $ 350 and I will send you the application to install on your phone. Phone will vibrate every 3-5 second and at that moment you will press the start button of the slot and occasionally you will have winning combinations or profits will increase by 80-90% Example When you are ready to pay you will tell me to send you the address.
I would like to see if your app really works. I am curious. Please send me your app so i can test drive it thanks.
I would also like the application developer to send me a few applications to see if they really work and earn a few thousand dollars and then I will pay him. But he tells me I have to work hard to design a website I find buyers and I give advice and he will set aside some money which not far away is not as much as you can earn if you buy the app and follow my tips .. And who in this case is privileged? I, who in my country are blocked casinos due to the corona virus or you who are free to use the application in America? In this case, there is no question how much it costs and whether the application works. The question is how much will it cost you if you do not have the application and do not make money as long as the casinos are open before the big lockdown due to corona virus.
hi I'm requesting an app I got the required video footage of the game I want the app for so can you please email me back with further instructions on how to send or upload the video to get the app thank you
Send the video on email or upload to and send a link. It will take over the developer and notify you whether it is suitable for creating an application. Procedure for slot machine app Price: $250 pay with Bitcoin (Payment by PayPal is priced at $ 300) 1. You're sending me a video of the slot.(minimum 30 sec.) 2. I send you an address from Bitcoin to pay $250 3. You pay $100 on Bitcoin. 4. I send the video to the developer to make the application. 5. You pay the remaining $150 in Bitcoin. 6. Developer build application,will show me a link to download. 7. I'll send it to you to download the app and you install it on your phone with operating instructions. 8. After 1 hours of installation you will start playing and collecting coins.
I want to buy a laptop with program RN generator. How long will it take to manufacture?
Completing the RN generator software in a new suitable laptop lasts 1-2 days and delivery is 5-7 days for Europe and 7-10 days worldwide. RN GENERATOR PROGRAM costs $ 1500 RN generator software in laptop in 25 GB software and operating instructions. (Cannot be installed on another computer.) You need some computer experience and basic knowledge for setting the program to make a proper application from every video on slots. All information about work of the program is in the laptop. Method of payment on the computer with RN Generator program. - You pay $1500 at the Bitcoin address in advance. - Developer build laptop with RN Generator software (2 days) - You get a tracking code for the laptop that should come to your address - You receive a laptop with RN Generator software and instructions and support during the operation of the program.
Why is the development of the application late for 2 weeks?
Information for those who received and used the latest application from 15-03-2020 The developer will not be able to access his place of residence and his program because there is a ban in Europe on moving people from different countries. We hope that the situation with the corona virus will be completed for three weeks and then new applications will be developed for all buyers. For old buyers additionally and free of charge will be developed one applications.( RNA Generator app for Online Slot ) You will need to send video from online slot machine with a duration of at least 3 min.or sent link from webpage where the slot is located. (You will only be able to use it for 30 minutes.) Do not send video in advance... ONLY WHEN we send you a notification that the developer can begin developing applications. best regards
Where is a guarantee, maybe u send me nothing, maybe u send a junk..
There is a risk in every business and especially in this gambling. Your video can happen be badly done and make an application with errors. The developer will work for free and you will justifiably look for another application. It may raise suspicions that is a scam! ?? We have solved such problems with enough patience but you should know that nothing today is 100% certain and especially in this business where casinos can even completely change the motherboards of all their slots (although for them it is too expensive) and applications we make will have to be reset and our RN generator program to be updated more often. So generally in such a case you risk more and we work double to make the applications successful. You yourself know that it is not possible to send you for free or to test whether it works. The application needs someone to build it based on your slot video. Should I hire my friend who works with the program RNgenerator and to pay a sum of money. So, do not look for a payment address in advance and do not send money in advance before submitting your video so that the developer can determine if an application can be created from your video.
Saya tertarik dengan firmware yang anda tawarkan, tapi saya masih belum memahami kategori judi game slot online yang ada.
Seperti Pragmatic, microgaming, isoftbet, dll. Dari yang saya sebutkan itu apakah itu termasuk Gaminator, novomatic atau yang
lainnya? Bisa dijelaskan! Saya dari Indonesia, apakah harganya bisa kurang?
I'm interested in the firmware that you offer, but I still don't understand the existing online slot game gambling categories.
Like Pragmatic, microgaming, isoftbet, etc. From what I mentioned, does it include Gaminator, Novomatic or something else?
Can be explained! I'm from Indonesia, can the price be less?
yes, includes Gaminator, Novomatic and more popular slot games. Check our website thoroughly and ask what you do not understand. We offer discounts on applications that help increase the profits of physical slot games. Take advantage now until all activities in the gambling industry are closed. From $ 250 discount to $ 150 for application development. The offer is valid until 1 November 2020!
Hello mate , i play for few years at slot machine and lost a lot of money , just yesterday i lost more than 2500 euro , i am not sorry for the past , mabe i lost more than 30000 euro , buth for this 2500 euro i am wery sorry , i will have problems whit mi whife when i go back in home , it is possible to help me recover the 2500 that i lost , i dont what more , just this
I do not know how much you can maximum to earn with our application Some app buyers earn from $5000 to $ 15,000 they told us. but it may be more or less. We have no insight into earnings. It is important that the application is to be well made and good works for 9-12 hours and earnings may vary from bets invested.
I have some interest in your methods but am somewhat skeptical of the idea and payment requirements. As they are upfront payments and the winning sums are unknown. Would be glade to split a percentage of winnings as payment seems more probable for one to try and hopefully come into good relations with you now and in the future as a daily player and contributor to your services. Thanks
Your idea is good but it does not depend on me. I am just a mediator. I take care of the websites, support for installing the application and support for the next application you order . The application is created only on the basis of your video and your payment. You are right about one thing: We can not know how much you can earn with the application. Therefore the payment is in advance. You should know that the whole thing is designed and led by a developer who must be paid in advance for his work and his advice. He does not accept any other conditions because - can work after 48 hours of making an application and then conclude that the video is not properly well made and the application can not be created. Nobody can pay for that and that is why he guarantees for each application but when you pay $ 100 in advance and then another $ 150 or $ 200 for delivery.
I whant buy RNG generator.For start because buy from unknow are you can explain how i can trusted you that i not be cheated?
You can not know and work at your own risk. This is the business and if it were not so then there would be no casinos and players. You take a risk by entering the casino but if your passion and desire to play is greater then the money invested here is a crumb in what you are so far invested and lost in casinos. Casinos lie to you every day and you are looking for 100% security here. It is justified to doubt but ask yourself how much it will cost you if you do not buy the software or application and keep playing as before. If it seems to you that it is too good and too easy and very expensive and risky to invest in this business then save your hard earned money or invest it in cryptocurrencies. There is a bigger risk and a bigger profit BUT it depends on your investment!.. but you will have to wait for months or years to make a profit, provided you choose the right cryptocurrency. It is purchased here only with advance payment and with your trust and only in that way can RNG be sold..but it is if everyone knows the manufacturer and the sender it would hardly exist for sale. I'm just an intermediary and help in customer support and I only know as much as I need to know.
Ok caro e se dopo non funziona? Butto 250 euro ?
Take blue pill and stay home or red pill and experience the truth. I don't know how much you can earn with one application. Maybe 10-15 or 20,000 euros and then there is no trace of you !? If you earn enough, you can buy a laptop with installed RNGENERATOR for $ 1,500 You will make your own applications every day and then only heaven is your limit .. It certainly depends on your ability to camouflage and choose a casino with minimum protection. because casinos in Europe have already adapted to this error slots and do not allow recording and changed the reset date multiple times a month .. at least in those where we have operated so far.
Mersi mult O sa fac plata în zilele care urmează o seară bună vb.. Dacă nu functioneaza cu cardul îți fac plata prin paypal e ok Ok dar pot
face plata cu un card de debit visa Să virez bani într-un cont bancar trimite-mi un cont sa fac plata.
Thank you very much. I will make the payment in the coming days, have a good evening, etc.. If it doesn't work with the card, I'll
pay you via paypal, it's ok. Ok, but I can pay with a visa debit card. To transfer
money to a bank account, send me an account to make the payment
When you are ready to pay with paypal send me a video of the slot and then I will send you the payment address. to ask a friend to prepare the RNGenerator program to decode your video. I'll send you the application and you'll install it on your phone. if the video is up to 3 minutes the application will need to be made in 24-48 hours and will work longer than 12 hours. You only have to carefully monitor the vibrations of the phone and click on the slot start button. Profits will increase by 90%
. cum adică aplicația funcționează doar 5 ore adică plătesc 250 de dolari pentru 5 ore Nu funcționează mai mult ? ? Plătesc de fiecare dată când îi dau drumul?
. how do you mean the app only works for 5 hours i mean i pay 250 dollars for 5 hours it doesn't work more? ? Do I pay every time I let them go?
It can work for more than 10 hours if your video is 3 minutes long. for video up to 30 seconds is a minimum of 9 hours..
I am interested in your application I would like to buy it. I would like if I can get a small demo to see if it works and if you can give me an application for a day to try it to see if it works, if I can film you live and if it goes buy I will buy and I will be your man who sends you a weekly profit from 10%, 20% (as much as you want). I am an honest boy you will see (if you trust) I do not think you have anything to lose $ 250, for me an amount of money in holiday season. Thanks for your time, answer me as soon as you can because I'm not the kind of person who insist.
Developer decided on such an agreement and not me. There used to be such a case where the man worked on a percentage and after a month of receiving several free applications .. he did not answer again. That is why now the developer does not accept such games.
.Deci de ce ai avea tu nevoie ca sa ne apucam de treaba,ptin ce pot sati trimit video cu jocul?. La slotuturile Admiral,se poate
face ? Si ca sa aflu data setarii trebuie sa aflu asta de la vreoun angajat al salonului de
jocuri,sau trebuie sa ami dau eu seama.Si anca ceva,trebuie sa am un telefon special pentru a primii vibratiile sau merge dupa
ori ce telefon?astept raspuns .mersii.
.So why would you need us to get down to business, as long as I can send you a video of the game?. Can it be done at Admiral slots? And in order to find out the date of the setting, I have to find out this from an employee of the game salon, or I have to figure it out myself. And one more thing, do I have to have a special phone to receive the vibrations or does it work with any phone? I'm waiting for an answer .thank you.
Smart phone installing google app is required. Yes, Admiral .. You need to record the slot machine how it play in duration of 30 seconds and send video to I upload video to our RNGenerator program , Algorithm find the winning combination and create an application that when you install it on your mobile phone will vibrate and at that moment you will press the start button of the slot and occasionally you will have winning combinations. Example:
Salut,as vrea sa stiiu de ce faci asta ,adiica ai putea sa faci bani singur ,nu vad idea de ce ai vinde instructiunile si aplicatia ? cum sunt sigur ca merge,
sii mai stiiu ca pentru asta ai nevoie de telefonul asus p750 , si pe acel telefon poti descarca acea aplicatie.astept raspuns
Hello, I would like to know why you do this, I mean you could make money yourself, I don't see why you would sell the instructions and the application? how am I sure it works, I also know that for this you need the Asus p750 phone, and on that phone you can download that application. I'm waiting for an answer.
I have contacted the software owner about your video clip offer.. He told me that we should contact confidential persons who speak English to implement the application on his mobile phone. However this business is sensitive and casinos in Europe have tightened their precautions against this software... If you meet the language requirements and record a video clip and if you pay up to 250 $ in advance on paypal then we can set it up your video clip who will send it on our software to build the application.
Hello i suppose is not a problem after i make a video another. People to play on this slot until calculation is ready ..
yes that's right, but the payment is in advance delay between this vibration and click on the slot should be as small as possible so there is a lot of vibration and trying over 9 hours or more.
Am I understand the whole process 1. I make a video from the slot 2. Send you a video and the time the slot was reset. 3. Wait you 12-36hours for calculation. 4. You will tell me when is ready to go to the same slot again 5. I go to the slot and you send me a application. 6. Must hit the start button immediately after vibrate my phone. The delay between this vibration have some connection with the winning ? 7. The application will work 5 or more hours Is that the whole process. And when I must pay to you
When you install the application the period of 9-12 hours starts.(There may be a delay of 1 hour.) Next 9-12 hours the application will vibrate on your phone at a certain interval When the application is created for a certain slot may be valid for 9-12 hours or several days until the slot is reset automatically. We can't have any impact on the app for the next 9-12 hours except with advising on how to track the game and click at the right time as the phone vibrates.
How long after I send you a video and info for the slot you will be ready with calculation When you are ready you will tell me when to go to the slot? And will be with me for 9 hours ?
12 to 36 hours until the RNGenerator program finds the right combination Yes we will give you a consultation during the game.
I found a btc machine with whom I want to pay for a laptop.Do you still have the laptop with the roulette and slot software Send me the qr code to pay now.
Yes, we have a laptop. Price is $ 1500 + $ 50 postage to Romania. Delivery due to the war in Ukraine is extended by 5-7 days. This is the QR code or payment address to pay $ 1500. The discount is valid for only 15 more days.
Good afternoon, How long after payment will you send me the app for slot machines ?
After payment we will answer you in 6 hours when we upload your video to the RN generator program because it is waiting in line from other customers. The program works from 24-48 hours We will notify you when it is finished so that you can download the application.
no my problem is do I need to have a Windows phone or android phone I prefer android phone I don't want to press the buttons on this phone I want something to automatically tell me I saw it in Internet somebody pressing a button in the windows phone you know his suspicion I don't know about your country but in my country is hard to make 1000 dollars because I am answering too many questions that's the point of me
No need to press a button on the phone the application vibrates your phone and you need to press the start button. In the electronic roulette application you just get information about which numbers to cover in the next game.
doesn't work for this type of martians apex multimagic, gaminator super v+ and others new machines .
The software has been updated and an application can be made for all the latest slots
Hi, I agree to pay a bigger amount of money, but how can you make sure it's ok and that it works, the video there on YouTube is very old, convince me.
Casinos need to convince people. We are hiding from the casinos and the state because in some countries it is punishable to deduct a tax that should be paid to the state in this way. We can post new videos, new web pages, paid ads on facebook or google .. but when we become too visible that will be the end for us. If you are unsure and you do not know the gambling business then you better invest in cryptocurrencies. There he explained nicely and in detail how to become a stockbroker. After six months of learning and reading about investment rules, you will know very well how to read stock market numbers ... but you will still run out of money because earnings do not depend on your "knowledge" and investment skills but by coincidence which you you do not control it. Here at least something you can control if you follow the rules well.
Stop Wasting Time on Slot Machines
Order application or buy a laptop with a RNGenerator program.
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